Friday, March 26, 2010

Your Comments On... Stopping the health-care madness There are people who take incendiary words literally. - By Eugene Robinson Comments zeinali w

Your Comments On...
Stopping the health-care madness
There are people who take incendiary words literally.
By Eugene Robinson

zeinali wrote:
What about responsible adults journalists of your newspaper publishing these abusive, racist hate speeches and terrorist threats targeting the President and his administration? What about Sarah Palin neglecting her children, putting her career ambitions over her family, did the CPS investigate her?
3/26/2010 4:28:35 PM

Your Comments On... Iowa man joins protest against Obama and health-care reform IOWA CITY, IOWA -- He had no plans to throw bricks, issue death threat

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Iowa man joins protest against Obama and health-care reform
IOWA CITY, IOWA -- He had no plans to throw bricks, issue death threats, spit in faces or scream racial slurs. But Randy Millam, 52, intended to make a scene, so he woke up early Thursday morning to prepare for President Obama's visit.
By Eli Saslow

zeinali wrote:
Message to Mr. Millam and supporters.
Mr. Millam, everybody opposing the universal health care, our President and his administration.
I don't think you've really grown up, and let me tell you why. What kind of constitutional freedoms are you talking about: to die because of lack of health insurance or lack of a just and quality health insurance plan, to work hard, like a slave, even two jobs, and still not being able to pay all your necessity bills (I am not talking about irresponsible overspending), not to talk about out of work people at no own fault, about the majority of citizens, employed or unemployed, struggling to survive in a rich industrial country? Our President and his administration are working hard in trying to overcome the deep recession and solve the catastrophic problems of our country by creating and using new, flexible and practical ways, not stiff, old and unpractical ideological ones, one by one or combined, while obsolete, selfish, narrow-minded and ideologically biased conservative heated heads are constantly trying to undermine and block their noble efforts in the name of constitutional freedom, instead of joining and supporting them, in spite of political differences.
3/26/2010 3:30:57 PM

Thursday, March 25, 2010 > Politics Your Comments > Politics
Your Comments On...
Obama returning to Iowa City to pitch benefits of health-care law
President Obama will return Thursday to the place where he first called for health-care legislation, aiming now to convince Americans of the benefits of the measure he just signed into law.
By Michael D. Shear

zeinali wrote:
It looks like Republicans still don't get it or don't want to get it, that the United States is no longer the only world superpower, as they historically pretended and acted accordingly. They are losing ground and feel like drowning in the new global world, therefore, I believe, they are desperately trying by all means to stay above the water, maintain and enforce their obsolete ideologies and privileges. Aren't they and their extreme supporters, like any regular citizen, subject to criminal prosecution in regards to hate speech, libel, malicious intentional inflicting of public damage through deceiving and unfair manipulation through collective brainwashing, slander, harassment, terrorist threats, and so on? Does the criminal law apply only to the week and poor folks, and, are the legal rights and privileges designed to only serve the rich and famous?
3/25/2010 10:57:16 AM

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Your Comments On... The health-care bill: A glorious mess The health bill's imperfect, but Obama was right to let Congress shape it. - By Eugene Rob

Your Comments On...
The health-care bill: A glorious mess
The health bill's imperfect, but Obama was right to let Congress shape it.
By Eugene Robinson

zeinali wrote:
Character damage, verbal assault, slander and libel are subject to legal prosecution and not protected by the freedom of speech. Regarding the freedom of speech, the First Amendment provides protection of it, free from government interference, however, the freedom of speech should be limited to prevent abuse of this right. Intentional malicious false and defamatory speech, libelous or slanderous, anything that is injurious to the good name or reputation of another person is an abuse of the freedom of speech and consequently, a violation of law.
About the "N' and "F" words, I have a question about common sense and character integrity for the African-American popular mindset and culture (and please don't get me wrong, not to excuse the atrocious use of these words by white folks towards black folks): why did the African-Americans widely and intensively promote and tolerate these words (in the name of freedom) in their private and public culture without regard to negative and dangerous social effects and affects on the whole society, especially on the young generations?
3/23/2010 11:11:36 AM

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Senators draft plan to rework U.S. immigration policy

zeinali wrote:
Too much damage was done and continues to be inflicted to all citizens: Americans, legal and illegal residents, a lot of damages, a long list of negative, extreme and inhumane hardship for all parties. To give some of the endless direct negative effects on individuals, groups and institutions: overcrowded schools and hospitals, highly educated and skilled Americans and legal immigrants, losing jobs to cheaper, uneducated and low-skilled illegal immigrants (even when they can't even speak or want to learn to speak English), inhumane (fascist style)separation of illegal families, where minor little kids were left alone after both parents were deported, entire illegal families living in limbo for decades, in constant fear and insecurity, altogether, loss of humanity, dignity and quality of life for everybody, legal or illegal. Politicians can learn from successful, just and humane immigration laws and policies in other developed countries like: Germany, England, Canada, France, and so on, with flexible, practical and socially/culturally responsible immigrant laws and guest workers programs, benefiting all the parties, legal and illegal citizens.
3/21/2010 11:23:34 AM

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Your Comments On...
House may try to pass Senate health-care bill without voting on it
After laying the groundwork for a decisive vote this week on the Senate's health-care bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested Monday that she might attempt to pass the measure without having members vote on it.
By Lori Montgomery and Paul Kane

zeinali wrote:
Left and right strategies, debates over debates, conflicting and contradictory outdated rules, regulations, laws and policies blocking the roads to our nation's economic, social and cultural recovery and progress. I want to remind everybody making decisions affecting the entire population, that we, the people of this great country on earth, we are not objects, but subjects, and we want to be treated accordingly, with respect and accountability to our demands, honoring our constitutional civil and equal rights. One of our constitutional rights is the right, not privilege, for equality and equal treatment, the right of everyone to have access to health care, like Congresspeople and other leaders do have.
3/16/2010 10:53:56 AM

Sunday, March 14, 2010

नो चिल्ड लेफ्ट बेहिंद law

Your Comments On...
Obama: Revise No Child Left Behind law
President Obama proposed overhauling the No Child Left Behind law that was his predecessor's hallmark education initiative, aiming to eliminate several of the measure's controversial mandates on public schools but adding new ones.
By Nick Anderson

zeinali wrote:
It's wonderful to see a President standing up with passion and vigor for the needs of the American people, for our children, and not mainly for the selfish needs of the some few rich and privileged individuals or group of people. The President can't do everything perfectly and on his own, at least he is starting the improvement process wherever is a need for improvement, the rest it's up to us, responsible citizens, lawmakers, teachers, parents, and so on. There are a lot of complex and interrelated factors contributing to the success or lack of success of our public schools: psychological, emerging of new economic, social, cultural structures and environments,which were not sustained, supported and embraced by adequate and adaptive corresponding contemporary laws and regulations. Families and teachers were losing their authority, power and respect, partly by a growing destructive popular and epidemic uncivilized subculture glorifying violence, inhumanity and the gangster way of life style; partly hindered and undermined in their efforts to discipline children by simplistic protective laws, which in the end effect turned to be more harmful than the good old discipline school. You can't put the blame only on parents or teachers in a society where children are raised by only one parent, who or is either on welfare or working two jobs to pay the bills, where teachers can't even separate fighting student at schools or engage actively in disciplining them, because of fears to lose their job or fear of retaliation. Regarding discipline and respect, schools should function like military operations, that's how schools in other countries succeed with no big issues and no need for Police on campus. The most significant educational and emotional impact on children at home is during their first 7 years, after children start the first grade, the main educational and character forming impact is shaped and formed by schools, public or private, mainly by teachers, but also by peer pressure, as kids are easily influenced. So, it's a complex social-cultural world, a lot needs to be changed, adapted and updated, to improve our schools and our children' education and character.
3/14/2010 12:19:37 PM
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 10, 2010

we finally get some good news about the job market, about a slow but steady progress, as in The Dallas Morning News article on March 9, 2010, headlines:
"Job openings up sharply in January to 2.7M".

These are statistical facts presented by qualified economists and not any ideological fictional stories of conservatives manipulating the public in their efforts to undermine the President's authority and credibility, to regain political power and influence.
The major political parties in America, the entire judicial/political government system was founded and rooted in noble principles and legal rules and procedures to protect the American people and their civil/human/natural/equal/equity rights and duties, in order to protect and sustain a working democratic culture and civilization.
We got the solid Constitution and democracy foundation, it's up to us, to our choices, on the top and on the bottom, united or divided, conservative, liberal or democrat, whatever religious or non-religious direction, to live and act according to
our national rules and principles, adapting and updating them to constant social and economic changes without losing their foundation essence and values.
What a relief this morning, finally some good news in the media about the job market getting better, slowly but steady